Laurence Déonna, Free !

Directed by Nasser Bakhti

Synopsis :

For nearly 50 years, Laurence Deonna, reporter, writer and photographer dared to risk her life documenting the sound and fury of our time through the experiences of women, in Switzerland and around the world. Always through field reports, as close as possible to conflicts and their violence and their impact on the civilian population affected by them.

Born into a family of the Genevese Calvinist bourgeoisie, at the age of 30 she left a comfortable life to travel the roads of the Middle East, the countries of Central Asia and Africa. She left to get lost, to liberate herself and to bear witness. To leave, synonymous with deliverance and freedom. She broke the silence that stifled dreams of emancipation and freedom. With her committed pen, she has always fought in the name of freedom of expression. Laurence Deonna has put into words the evils of our societies and to the human beings too often forgotten by history, because what is not named or put into images does not exist, it becomes and remains invisible.
