Adult Stories 1-2

Synopsis :

On the path to independence –  Chapters 1 & 2

Seven years after the success of “Teenager Stories”, Troubadour Films is continuing its sociological epic with another movie. Xavier, Rachel, Thys, Mélanie and Jordann accepted to participate in this new film and describe their experience as young adults.They are already a quarter of a century old. The years since coming of age have been eventful and turbulent. One of them is looking for a new professional direction, another is pursuing a solitary but ambitious career, another has just come out of a long relationship and returned to live with her mother, another has sacrificed everything for (his/her) work, and another is fighting to repair a life full of excess and reconnect with (his/her) family. They have agreed to describe their experiences, their – sometimes – tense family relations, their love life and daily struggle to become independent and build a life for themselves. Their tone is more serious, but their words are once again the reflection of a lucid young Swiss generation in search of their identity and on their way to independence as best as they can.
