Directed by Béatrice et Nasser Bakhti
- 2016
- 27'
Synopsis :
A sunny smile on a Madonna-like face with a deliberate expression that immediately inspires confidence. Her name is Nariman, she is 30 years old, a Syrian from Homs and a refugee in Amman in Jordan.
In a prison-like apartment, she busies herself with household chores, the preparation of meals and taking care of her mother, who lost her leg during a bombing, and her two little nephews, who lost their mother and whose father has disappeared.
Her only wealth are her memories and dreams and her only hope is the bright light of day and the patches of blue sky crossed by flocks of birds beyond the barred windows.
Nariman has experienced the best and the worst about human beings. This is the story of a woman confronted with herself and the harsh reality of the war.
She tells her story with soft, funny and sometimes sad or angry words. With occasional silences, laughter and tears, she talks about her battles and tragedies, the war, happy moments, disappointments, the pain of the exile, injustice, the status of Arab women and their perpetual defeats…

English, French
Type & Running Time
Documentary 27’
Year of production
Country of production
Written and directed by
Béatrice and Nasser Bakhti
Produced by
Nasser Bakhti and la Fondation Surgir
Assistant Director
Melissa Chollet
Written & Directed by
Béatrice et Nasser Bakhti
Karim Amin
Bernard Seidler
Béatrice et Nasser Bakhti
Sound editing and Mix
Jérôme Vittoz
Colour correction and special effects
Julien Dumoulin – studio Troubadour Films
Troubadour Films